
Lisa Frost

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Lisa Frost , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Kishani
Date: 01/20/2003
Message: Lisa, I don't know you but by reading about you, I think you were a shining star on Earth...and now you are a shinning star from Heaven. You may never come home again but your memory will live in everybody's hearts you touched on Earth...and that would be too many to mention I am sure. Sleep in peace sweet angel...

From: Marcyhaa@hotmail.com
Date: 09/12/2003
Message: 9/11/03 To the family of Lisa- I know this is a diffricult day, a day of heartache, you know them only too well. I am so sorry for the loss you have known. But I also want you to know that the spirit of Lisa was shared in a small church in Denton, Texas. She was one of the 18 names chosen to represent the many whose names were spoken in our 9-11 Remembrance Service.

From: Marcy
Date: 09/12/2003
Message: 9/11/03 To the family of Lisa- I know this is a difficult day, a day of heartache, you know them only too well. I am so sorry for the loss you have known. But I also want you to know that the spirit of Lisa was shared in a small church this evening in Denton, Texas. She was one of the 18 whose names were spoken in our 9-11 Remembrance Service... it was a seemingly random collection of names whose photographs and stories were given to us by the thoughtful and wise minister. It made the service so personal. I had the privilege of meeting Lisa tonight. She lives on - her life calling in the distance, reminding us to live so fully, to embrace the risks, to live a life that inspires - and, through our own dance, to leave the earth a better place than it was when we first arrived. It is my hope that you may find some consolation in knowing your Lisa continues to inspire. Peace and healing to you all, Marcy.

From: James Becker
Date: 10/19/2003
Message: I dont really know you, but just reading about you makes me feel that you were a wonderful person and did not deserve to die. Best of luck to you r family.

From: David Navarro
Date: 06/16/2004
Message: Today is June 16, 2004. I just wanted you to know that people still remember and think of you and live up to those words "WE SHALL NEVER FORGET"

From: Kyle Kiel
Date: 06/19/2004
Message: What a wonderful tribute your father gave you at Trabuco Hills High School this week. In loving memory, your legacy lives on through a student fortunate to be honored in your memory with a scholarship in your name. It is so evindent how much you are loved.

From: Amy Lewis Francis
Date: 09/07/2004
Message: I miss you, Lisa! I think of you often. I treasure the time we had as friends.

From: Nicky RSM Ca
Date: 09/11/2004
Message: I never knew you but want to show my honor & respect to you and your family from myself and my family. 3 years on I think about you and am deeply saddened that you were on that plane. You will never be forgotten!!!!

From: Karen Smith
Date: 09/11/2004
Message: Lisa, I'll always remember you as one of my first students at Boston University. I'm thinking about you today.

From: Patty Stiles
Date: 11/03/2004
Message: I met your father after 9/11. He gave me a picture of you and drawing of a koala bear that my daughter keeps in her room. My family and I will remember you always.

From: ´Lisa Frost, Sweden
Date: 01/15/2005
Message: Many people thought I was you... Rest in peace!!! Love Lisa

From: Zaven
Date: 02/20/2005
Message: Heaven needed an angel.

From: Jean O\'Donnell
Date: 05/13/2005
Message: Dear Lisa; Wings of an angel, peaceful spirit of love. Your dad has you in his life each and every day. They say you made it back, I say you never left. We see you in every butterfly. Your passion in all the breezes. Your love in all the hearts. Love, Jean O'Donnell Laguna Beach, CA I have asked God to bless you and your dad.

From: Amber Hughes (Fountain Valley CA)
Date: 05/13/2005
Message: Death is nothing at all, you have only slipped into the next room. You are you, and your dad is your dad. You are still as you were before, nothing has changed. You will always be called by a familiar name, spoke to in the same easy way you have always been. Just because you are out of sight does not mean you will be forgotten. You are just waiting, waiting just around the corner for the rest of us. May God Bless you and your family.

From: LTC Kutchinski
Date: 09/12/2005
Message: After meeting and talking to Mr. Frost at a memorial ceremony in California I was given the button with Lisa's picture. I took it with me during my 14 month tour in Iraq. I kept it inside one of my pockets on my equipment vest I wore each day. When others would see the button you could tell that it changed them. Gave them purpose for being over THERE so the bugs wouldn't come over HERE again. It helped me too, just seeing her smile. We lost what was good about America when we lost Lisa. God bless you Lisa. God bless America.

From: Lisa Frost
Date: 11/09/2005
Message: While I was browsing online, I came across this and realized that we have some name. I never thought that could be. I just wanted to say God Bless her and her family . .

From: Juan Fernandez Cocori00@hotmail.com
Date: 12/06/2005
Message: Lisa, I still keep your email address on my contact list... Drop me a line sometime! Love always from your friend in Sydney, Juan x

From: Chris Gose
Date: 12/09/2005
Message: Several years later and the world is a different place. Who really knows--in this day and age--what it REALLY means to be free. May the freewind that is spirit blow forever freely...in peace!

From: Clayton Overmyer
Date: 12/14/2005
Message: miss you and love you.

From: Zaven
Date: 12/16/2005
Message: You are always in my toughts and give me strength to keep on in this mad world. MY angel.

From: Irene Hoffenberg
Date: 04/05/2006
Message: hi danny, just want you to know i pray for you and your family always. love, irene

From: Qiych66@google.com
Date: 06/23/2006
Message: ringtones free

From: Tanskanen Ilkka
Date: 10/11/2006
Message: Rest in peace my angel.I didn´t know you but i know y was a special angel an earth.. I`m a guy with braincancer in 39 age...I don´t forget you and all victims of 9/11 -01 when I past this world. Goodbye forever Let Lisa and I rest in peace of love. I light a candle for her..hopely you reader do it for her and mee too.. With Love by Ilkka Tanskanen(Findland)

From: Mary-Kaitlyn Winstead
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Dear Family and Friends of Lisa Frost, Today is September 11th, 2006. Wow...I can't believe it has already been 5 years since the terrorists attacked the two buildings. My school in honor of all the ones who died in the devastating event, we went to the flag pole, all picked a name, and i happened to get this one! I just would like to say how sorry I am to know that you have to go through with the mourning loss of this loved one. My school this week is reconginzing everyone who unfourtunatley, was invovled in this. I just want to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers...EVERYDAY! We all Love you dearly. I dont know how to say it will be fine, because i cant tell you that but, Someday you will over come this loss. However she was involved, if she worked at the World Trade Center, The Pentagon or was just a vicitim, There is a person who can help you and that God! Take it to him, whatever it maybe and he will indeed help you. I pray right now that you will have the strenght to overcome the loss, it will be hard. As I close this message I will say a little prayer. Dear God, Please help the family and friends of Lisa Frost. They need you more than ever right now in their lifes. Not only do I pray for them but i pray for anyone else who has had the tradgedy in their life. Please rest your hand apawn these people. In your wonderful name i pray, Amen. R.I.P. Lisa Frost. May and shall we NEVER forget!

From: Kevin
Date: 10/05/2006
Message: I worked for the now defunct company that printed your BU student photos,personally printing the 16x20 photos that hopefully your family still has. I prayed then and now that you have peace, and that God comforts you and your family and friends until you meet on that far shore outside the shining city of everlasting love. I CAN NOT FORGET. God bless you all...

From: Cathie Schaeffer
Date: 12/08/2006
Message: You would have celebrated your 28th Birthday this month. You are not forgotten.

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy