
Lucy Fishman

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Lucy Fishman , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

22 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Lisa
Date: 09/11/2004
Message: 3 years ago.. <|3 We will never forget you Lucy. R.I.P.

From: Samantha Fishman
Date: 11/26/2004
Message: Memories A moment of eternity An image in my mind Memories of yesterday A face a place a time Like a song that plays forever more A dream with shape and form A flame that flickers in my soul And keeps your spirit warm A smile that lives within my heart A tear that never dries The jigsaw puzzle pieces Of your memory will survive omg i miss you and love you so much Mommy Love always your Little Angel Face

From: Samantha Beth
Date: 09/11/2005
Message: 4 years ago today you were taken from me soo fast now all i have is the memories from the past I think about you all the time and i hope you do the same and know that my love for you shall always remain I have so many people tell me im so strong but i always let them know its cause you never steered me wrong even though i try to keep my feelings locked up tight it seems to me that they always try to put up a fight i cry over you mommy every single night and to think of going on another day without you is always so hard to do but it feels like youre there always pulling me through ill never forget the last time i saw you and heard your voice you woke me up with a kiss and tears in your eyes and you sang our song to me once again with tears in your eyes you said goodbye you started to cry its like you knew you were leaving me for good you just couldnt tell me why i guess it was just your turn to spread your wings and fly so now its 4 years ago that you left me here this day the date that you left me was September 11, 2001 and i will always question why he had to take our angel here on earth we always used to say till death do us part it seems you just went first you got the head start i really love you mommy i promise i always will so until we meet again which i pray for everday so keep on singing and dancing which i know you always do and every single tear drop from my eyes will always be for you i love you mommy

From: Lisa Oberg
Date: 09/12/2005
Message: Well, it's been 4 years and a day, but it doesn't hurt any less. I rememeber in Resurrection, when Sam was called out of class. I remember when she was crying and none of us really knew why. I remember finding out, and going to your memorial and the funeral and seeing Sam struggle and feeling so guilty for missing you, because i knew she had to miss you so much more. I watched as Sam moved away, as our friends grew up. Sometimes i think about how different we all would be if you were still alive. It's hard to imagine how just one person can make such a big difference in the lives of many. Even though you were older than us and sammy's mom, I told you everything. I admired you. Shortly, after you died my grandma and my grandpa died. I remember thinking about how messed up god must be to take the three people i cared for most. To this day, i cannot find any faults of you. Maybe it's just because you're gone, and i was so young i didn't really pay attention to the faults of others, but i always thought you were perfect and i envied Sam so much for having such an amazing mother. I can never forget you, Lisa

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy