
Jonathan Briley

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Jonathan Briley , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Paul Forster
Date: 09/11/2003
Message: May God bless your soul for the sacrifice you made for your country. May you rest in peace. May God give strength to your loved ones.

From: Adrienne Reerder
Date: 09/11/2003
Message: One young life, rich and full of grace. I am saddened by the thought that you have left this place. Your death has touched my life in ways I would not have thought. The way you lived has left a lesson that in time will be taught.

From: Kelly
Date: 08/31/2004
Message: What a proud and wonderful man you must have been.

From: Adrienne Briley
Date: 09/01/2004
Message: You have moved on, yet we have not forgotten.

From: Neil, Hertfordshire UK
Date: 03/18/2006
Message: My deepest sympathies to the family of such a brave man.

From: Jenny
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: im 13 yrs old and i also watch the program on channel 4 'the falling man' i cried when i watch the program thinking about the people who died and especially i thought of jonathan and what he must have thought before he passed i would just like to say how sorry i am to his family and friend. and that i will never forget his bravery R.I.P jonathan briley may god be with you allways x.x.x.x.x we shall never forget

From: Jenny
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: im 13 yrs old and i also watch the program on channel 4 'the falling man' i cried when i watch the program thinking about the people who died and especially i thought of jonathan and what he must have thought before he passed i would just like to say how sorry i am to his family and friend. and that i will never forget his bravery R.I.P jonathan briley may god be with you allways x.x.x.x.x we shall never forget

From: Jemma
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: I am 13 years old and watched "The Falling Man" programe on TV last night. I did not sleep a wink and still can't shake the image of such a brave man dying in such a public way. I have been absolutly inspired by him and can't stop thinking about what he must have been thinking. as he fell through the sky, gazing down at the New York streets. May he rest in peace. x x x x x x x

From: Jonathon Whitehand - UK
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: You will always be remebered and will always live on in our hearts.

From: Jonathon Whitehand
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: You will never be forgotten.

From: Kevin
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: may you rest in peace with the lord

From: Larsa // Sweden
Date: 03/17/2006
Message: It takes a lot of courage to do what Jonathan did. My thoughts to your family and may your family be proud of you.

From: Rory Charleson
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: life is a gift and when taken away so cruelly you can only then realise its importance r.i.p

From: Dominic Hodson
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: let god bless everybody part of 9-11-01 verry heartbeaking

From: Emma Chamberlain
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: May Jonathan's coragous spirit and soul live on forever through everyone who had the pleasure of being a part of his life. My thoughts are with you all. xx

From: Karen Ward
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: You have touched us all...to our very core. The angels of this Earth are only with us for a fleeting moment, yet change our lives forever. Karen, UK

From: Samantha - UK
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: The Falling Man? I don't know. But my heart and thoughts are with you in heaven, and with your family.

From: Helen
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: God Bless you and keep you safe in his arms.

From: Helen
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: God Bless you and keep you safe in his arms.

From: James Davidson-UK
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: You will remain in my thoughts as one of many brave people who made the most amazing decision in the face of death. "To control your own destiny". My thoughts go out to your family and may they be proud.

From: Andy Moss
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: i am watching the fallen man on bbc.i am only 12 but i realise how sad these families must be about no knowing how there loved ones died. my father passed away 2 years ago but i realise now how lucky i am to have had the years i did with him

From: Nichola Clydesdale
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: I am a British housewife 3 beautiful daughters and a loving husband. Hearing about Jonathan has made me realise how precious life is. My thoughts after all these years are with his loved ones. God bless you all. Nichola Clydesdale United Kingdom

From: A. P. Solari (Canary Islands)
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: An Angel Flew.

From: Jens
Date: 03/16/2006
Message: You had the courage to decide when to leave this world. All alone you flew in the hands of god.

From: Tumadre
Date: 03/15/2006
Message: tu padre me lo monto en toronto Teto tu te hagachas y yo te la meto

From: Rob From Scotland
Date: 04/03/2006
Message: no one jumped, no choice, i feel for you all.

From: Beckie, West Midlands, UK
Date: 04/10/2006
Message: The falling man?? Who knows, but unfortunatly, your life was already taken when those terrorists hatched their plan! I admire and respect you and whatever happended on that terrible day-I would have done no less. May God be with you and all those who suffered and still are. PBWY. xx

From: Roshni / 14 / Uk
Date: 05/12/2006
Message: 9/11 is a day that rocked the world in so many ways. It's amazing how a few minutes can change so much. After watching the falling man documentary I realise how every single person who died on that terrible day must be sorely missed like Jonathan Brily. I admire Jonathan's courage and bravery to have to make such a harsh decision. The thoughts that must have been running through his and all the other peoples' heads as they decided to take the leap of faith are almost unthinkable. Jonathan Brily is just one example of the terror that took place in people's hearts on september 11th but he is a sound voice of all those that died that day. He fell with such grace and is an inspiration to us all. This act of insanity will be remembered for years to come and along with that Jonathon Brily and the thousands of other victims will go down in histroy for thier pure innocence and courage. May God give strength to the families and friends of all the victims of the tragedy and may you rest in peace xxx

From: Sasha (israel)
Date: 10/28/2006
Message: çáø àúä çñø

From: Roxana / Los Angeles
Date: 06/01/2006
Message: I didn't see the documentary, but I received the photos right after the tragedy. I cried when I saw his picture, he jumped with so many of our hearts. May God Bless his soul. Hope to see him in heaven one day, I would give him a hug.

From: Troy
Date: 10/27/2006
Message: Exuse My Spelling I Get Worked Up Expresing my words.

From: Eleanor
Date: 06/03/2006
Message: My heart is with you Jonathan. You were man who was brave and who was cruelly robbed of life. To the family of Jonathan Briley, may you be strong and my heart is with you too. Jonathan Briley, rest in peace, you will always remian in our memories. You will not be forgotten XXXX

From: Brandy
Date: 06/13/2006
Message: still in so many hearts and prayers. such a brave man. God Bless

From: Michelle/15/England
Date: 06/28/2006
Message: You are such a brave man, You are loved by everyone in the world, no one will ever forgett you. with love Michelle

From: Christine Ross. Uk 15
Date: 07/23/2006
Message: although i am not american, the 9/11 attack shocked people all around the world, your death should never be made meaningless and nor should any other fatalities from 9/11 or 7/7 or any terrorist atack, we need to put aside our differences and unite against terrorism. R.I.P to jonathan briley and all who lost their lives through terrorism.

From: Henrik
Date: 08/06/2006
Message: Murdered by the governmet.

From: Natalie
Date: 08/17/2006
Message: God bless you and yours.

From: Ganisha
Date: 08/18/2006
Message: God belive in you we to.

From: Philippe
Date: 08/19/2006
Message: I don't know if he is the falling man of the famous picture taken on September 11, 2001. All I want to say is that, in this exceptionnal cicumstance, no one can pass judment on what people decided to do with themselves on that day. Jonathan deserves respect. He was a gentleman. His death was a loss to humanity. There is no doubt in my mind that he was given a special place in Heaven for the way he lived his life and touched all of our souls with grace.

From: Wolfgang
Date: 08/31/2006
Message: the falling man was couragious

From: Wolfgang
Date: 08/31/2006
Message: the falling man was couragious

From: Eliza .m
Date: 08/31/2006
Message: hi im from australia and i watched the falling man on tv last night i was so sadend at what happend i could not sleep and i could not shed a tear either but i please be strong to the family of jonathan for he is now in god care god bless and may he rest in peace

From: Jennifer - Aus
Date: 09/01/2006
Message: I watched the documentary last night. I have always found the image of The Falling Man incredibly inspiring and fortifying. Jonathan Briley seemed to be a lovely man and if that is him, I can only comment on his bravery and faith and hope that in the same instance I would behave with as much dignity as he did. My condolences to his family and friends. The only thing terrorism is achieving is uniting sane people in fighting it. Jonathan Briley R.I.P. you will never be forgotten.

From: Danica(Austraila)
Date: 09/01/2006
Message: we will never forget u, watching the falling man, i cried, iam writting a speech about you, so i hope that you're listning from heaven. oxoxox never will we forget

From: Joanne Of Adelaide
Date: 09/02/2006
Message: i just watched the programme ' the falling man ' and i have not stopped crying for jonathon and the other victims of that terrible day, the photograph is horrible but has made me realise more than anything else what was lost, jonathon briley is a name i will never forget, god bless his family.

From: Carsten
Date: 09/05/2006
Message: I knew nothing about it, til I saw his picture. He will always be remembered, more than any politician, spokesperson whatsoever. He reminds me of 9/11, day by day so that I shall never forget. And I won't!

From: Corinna
Date: 09/06/2006
Message: Your picture and the story about you moved me in many ways. This tragedy was the worst ever happened and I can´t find any words to express my sadness. I will never forget...

From: Richard
Date: 09/07/2006
Message: A powerful ending. In a snap shot, showed precision and grace, the decision that you made, redefined the meaning of existence for the entire human race. That picture which you gave so powerful! Spine tingling and utterly grave, it was daring and respected as it was phenomenally brave; if it’s with God you chose to be with then I hope that he caught you…I know that you were saved.

From: Jeff Peters
Date: 09/07/2006
Message: Jonathan, let them not remember you as "Falling Man" for the first time I ever saw you, I labeled you "Courage."

From: Mark Mountjoy
Date: 09/09/2006
Message: It is my deepest hope that all those who lost their lives because of the heinous plot of certain "leaders" have everlasting peace, and will, in due time, be recompensed. Five days before that tragedy, after prayer, I laid myself down for a short nap before going to work. Immediately I was falling inside of a "black void" face up (although I was laying on my bed face down). I frantically looked around for a reference point, but could only feel myself descinding at a horrif speed. When I got myself turned about to look down I saw, far to the bottom, fire infolding upon itself. I screamed in amazement and utter horror, realizing in an instant that I was somehow in a "chimney" of an ungodly height! As I was trying to get my eyes open, I was also squeezing them shut from the horror I was in. I felt the forocious wind and heard the howling noice! Then, out of sheer terror I broke the trance and vision and repelled myself backwards off the bed onto the floor. Then came 911. Somehow,someway, I accidently tapped into a tragedy that wasn't to happen for another 5 days. And I am very distressed that the real masterminds are still with us.

From: Mark Mountjoy
Date: 09/09/2006
Message: It is my deepest hope that all those who lost their lives because of the heinous plot of certain "leaders" have everlasting peace, and will, in due time, be recompensed. Five days before that tragedy, after prayer, I laid myself down for a short nap before going to work. Immediately I was falling inside of a "black void" face up (although I was laying on my bed face down). I frantically looked around for a reference point, but could only feel myself descinding at a horrif speed. When I got myself turned about to look down I saw, far to the bottom, fire infolding upon itself. I screamed in amazement and utter horror, realizing in an instant that I was somehow in a "chimney" of an ungodly height! As I was trying to get my eyes open, I was also squeezing them shut from the horror I was in. I felt the forocious wind and heard the howling noice! Then, out of sheer terror I broke the trance and vision and repelled myself backwards off the bed onto the floor. Then came 911. Somehow,someway, I accidently tapped into a tragedy that wasn't to happen for another 5 days. And I am very distressed that the real masterminds are still with us.

From: Mikkel Kjær
Date: 09/09/2006
Message: I'm a 22 year old student from Denmark, and I just saw a documentary, where Jonathan Briley was mentioned. I was in a part of the world, that was very moved of the events of 9/11, but also fortunate, as no danish were killed that day. Fortunate might not be the right word, but that is how I feel, maybe because I am human. Human and small. I fell that I am insignificant in the world, when I here of actions as Jon desided to take on that day, but understand them completely. I can not deny, that I would have acted any different... hopefully I will never know. I will like to thank the family of Jonathan for sharing with the world this insight in, what the human nature is capable of doing. to each other, and to themselves. I admire Jonathan, as he teaches me to appreciate my family. As I wrote the last sentance, i shed a tear. I will never forget...

From: Nelson Ferreira
Date: 09/09/2006
Message: im from portugal, i hope, that the brave man you was ,will never forget

From: Albert Lopez Ramos
Date: 09/09/2006
Message: Hola,soy un chico español,la historia de este chico americano me conmovio mucho,por eso dejo este texto aqui por si sirve de algo..... y sobretodo en memoria de jonathan briley.

From: Bin Laden
Date: 09/09/2006
Message: Tee hee hee!

From: David Corsica Island
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: never forget in memory

From: Thomas, FRANCE
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: Repose en Paix. Nous n'oublierons pas, jamais. Mon Dieu, dans quel monde vivons nous ?

From: Yoni,France
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: To all the people that lost their lives that day and to all the people that jumped on that day to get away from the burning heat or blown out by explosion. i know you all rest in peace and feel no more pain.God is with you. whether it is jonathan briley or not on the falling man picture,the picture showed us how horrific that day was and how religious issues and fanatics are destroying human beings. Last but not least, To all the israelis that fight terrorism each day,to the u.s army that also fights terrorism every day To all the people that have died in terror attacks.

From: Helena
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: Hola soy una chica española que vió hace unos dias un programa sobre el 11-S y sobre aquella foto de un hombre que al parecer saltó al vacio al no tener otra opción. Ese hombre resultó ser Jonathan Briley, un hombre bajo mi punto de vista muy valiente y que murió inocentemente como cientos de personas lo hicieron aquel horrible dia. Yo siempre me he sentido muy identificada con estos hechos ya que hace unos 15 años yo stuve en New York y en el Wolrd Trade Center. Quiero aprobechar ahora que se cumplen 5 años desde la tragedia a dar mi más sincero pésame a todas esas familias, amigos... que perdieron a algún ser querido aquel dia. WE SHALL NEVER FORGET 9-11-01

From: Max Kaplan
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: In our hearts forever. Rest in Peace, Jon.

From: Cocas
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: good jouney!!! we see there!!! X

From: Marie De France
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: Quand l'attentat du 11 Septembre 2001 s'est produit j'étais au téléphone avec mon meilleur ami qui lui habitait à TAMPA ( Floride) tous deux nous avons assistés en direct aux attentas, aux chutes des tours...une image m'avait marqué plus que les autres, c'était cette chute de cet homme sans nomqui semblait éternelle et sans fin...là j'ai vu à la télé toute l'horreur et toute la force qui a fallut pour choisir sa propre mort...pendant 5 ans je me suis demandée qui était cet homme...il me hantait...je ne sais pas pourquoi...par son courage...par son choix...par ses peurs...par ces dernières pensées qui ont du aller vers sa femme, sa famille, ses ami()s...et enfin j'ai su qui c'était...par un journal de France dont j'ai pris de le garder...cet homme avait enfin un nom un visage une histoire et une vie...JONATHAN BRILEY...donc à vous Jonathan Briley vous êtes entré dans mon coeur pour ne plus jamais en sortir...j'espère que là haut vous êtes en paix et heureux...chaque fois que je vous vois je pleure je ne sais pas pourquoi...mon coeur se déchire à chaque fois...je vous salue bien bas et avec tout mon respect qui vous ai du je tenais à souhaiter à votre famille mes condoléances les plus sincères...reposez en paix Jonathan... vous faîtes parti de ma vie...

From: Beatrice Refievna
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: LES YEUX Bleus ou noirs, tous aimés, tous beaux Des yeux sans nombre ont vu l'aurore Ils dorment au fond des tombeaux Et le soleil se lève encore. Les nuits plus douces que les jours Ont enchanté des yeux sans nombres Les étoiles brillent toujours Et les yeux se sont remplis d'ombre. Oh! qu'ils aient perdu le regard Non, non, cela n'est pas possible Ils se sont tournés quelque part Vers ce qu'on nomme l'invisible. Et comme les astres penchants Nous quittent, mais au ciel demeurent Les prunelles ont leurs couchants Mais il n'est pas vrai qu'elles meurent. Bleus ou noirs, tous aimés, tous beaux Ouverts à quelque immense aurore De l'autre côté des tombeaux LES YEUX QU'ON FERME VOIENT ENCORE. Sully Prudhomme 1839-1908 To Jonathan Briley who is now in a world outside time, outside space, outside pain. Jonathan, as you faced terror and extrem pain, may you be an help for all the people who live now in pain around the world. Love from Beatrice

From: L.sanchez
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: rest in peace!

From: Robert-Netherlands
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I really hope that the real truth may be given to all Americans and all other people of the world about what really happened on 9-11 which cost Jonathan his life!It's also the "normal" peoples right to know the truth! May you rest in peace dude.

Date: 09/11/2006

From: Justine
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: je pense à vous.

From: Jmc
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: je suis un francais de 19 ans, un metisse et fier de l'être.je tenais à dire que même si la reconaissance de son corps n'est pas sûre à 100 % je voulais quand même rendre hommage à cet homme. à supposer que ce soit lui, je voulais saluer son grand courage d'avoir pris une telle décision aussi térrible que soit-il mais qui n'a dû son salut qu'à dieu. je voulais juste adresser mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches et maintenant qu'il est prés de dieu, qu'il puisse veiller sur tous ce qu'il a aimé. et sinon je voulais dire aux américains que même au delà des frontières cet tragedie a touché d'autres personnes comme moi qui suis un francais. voila. Que dieu te garde jonathan adieu mon frère !

From: Jmc
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: je suis un francais de 19 ans.je tenais à dire que même si la reconaissance de son corps n'est pas sûre à 100 % je voulais quand même rendre hommage à cet homme. à supposer que ce soit lui, je voulais saluer son grand courage d'avoir pris une telle décision aussi térrible que soit-il mais qui n'a dû son salut qu'à dieu. je voulais juste adresser mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches et maintenant qu'il est prés de dieu, qu'il puisse veiller sur tous ce qu'il a aimé Que dieu te garde jonathan adieu mon frère !

From: Jmc
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: je suis un francais de 19 ans.je voulais saluer son grand courage d'avoir pris une telle décision aussi térrible que soit-il mais qui n'a dû son salut qu'à dieu. je voulais juste adresser mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches et maintenant qu'il est prés de dieu, qu'il puisse veiller sur tous ce qu'il a aimé Que dieu te garde jonathan adieu mon frère !

From: Jmc
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: je suis un francais de 19 ans.je voulais juste adresser mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches et maintenant qu'il est prés de dieu, qu'il puisse veiller sur tous ce qu'il a aimé Que dieu te garde jonathan adieu mon frère !

From: Jmc
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: je suis un francais de 19 ans.je voulais juste adresser mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches Que dieu te garde jonathan adieu mon frère !

From: Jmc (un Francais)
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: repose en paix mon frere que dieu te garde et veille sur ta famille et tes proches !

From: Greg Loch
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Today I'm Sad. I wish this would of never happened. Wonderful people like Jon would still be here today. My heart is with you and everyone else who lost there lives 5 years ago. God Bless. :(

From: Laur From Romania
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: God bless you....

From: Georrgyana. Romania
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: my prayers go out to you and your family. god bless you soul,the soul as a hero. rest in peace!!!

From: Georrgyana. Romania
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: my prayer go out to you and your family. god bless your soul,the soul af a hero. rets in peace!!!

From: Anett
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: may your soul live on forever in our hearts and our minds.. Love from norway...

From: Mari (Norway)
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: The documentary "the fallen man" has been on norwegian television today, and I think it makes everyone who watch it to think. How is this possible?Could I do what jonathan did? I definitly hope that i never will experience to have to make that choice. I hope jonathan will rest in Peace. May we honour him and his life.My thoughts and love to jonathan family.. Love from Norway..

From: Maritha
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I saw about the tragedy on tv today. And I started to cry. It was very very bad..!! I can't think how the family of all the people have it, but I think of you..!! From girl from Norway

From: Camille
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: rest in peace may whatever calm accept you, to take you, and guide you to where you want to be

From: Peter
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I just want to thank Gwendoline Briley for the deep touching words she said in the documentery about the the photo that is connected to her beloved brother. And I am sure he was one of the many God catched in his arms in love although not in this life.

From: Benedicte
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Personne dans ce monde ne pourra jamais oublier Jonathan et tous ceux qui sont tombés ce jour là. Ce jour atroce du 11 septembre 2001 restera à jamais dans ma mémoire comme un jour symbole d'infamie. J'étais devant la télévision il devait être environ 15 heures, heure française et tous les programmes télévisés ont été interrompus brutalement par ces images. Je ne pourrais jamais oublier les frissons de terreur que j'ai ressenti pour tous ces innocents. J'étais loin pourtant mais, imaginer tous ces gens prisonniers sur les lieux de leur travail, loin des êtres qu'ils aimaient...Les voir agiter des nappes aux fenêtres. Et puis en direct le second avion...L'horreur pourtant n'était pas suffisante, les Tours se sont effondrés emportant en plus tous les personnels de secours. Et ces pauvres gens qui se trouvaient dans ces avions meurtriers. Jamais je n'ai vu quelque chose d'aussi abominable à la télévision, je tremblais j'avais froid et des larmes coulaient sur mes joues. J'étais en sécurité chez moi mon fils de 4 ans faisait la sieste. Et eux ils mourraient sous nos yeux. Jonathan tu avais le prénom d'un ange et tu l'es devenu. Pourras tu leur pardonner ? Peut on pardonner à ces êtres inhumains ? Que Dieu bénisse les victimes et leurs familles. Je prie pour vous tous.

From: José Gomez - France -
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: That's hard to leave a comment after such an horror... I just want to honor this citizen and his familly just beacause they truly deserve it. I just want to leave my mark here and tell all victim's families to keep on going for the sake of all of them God bless you

From: Camilla //Algeria
Date: 09/12/2006
Message: J'ai vu le reportage à la télévision sur Jonathan, et j'étais frappé par les images le montrant tomber du WTC, mon dieu c'était inimaginable une scène pareille. Il ne pourra jamais être blamé pour ce geste, ni sa famille du reste, au contraire sa famille doit être fière de lui car c'est sûr qu'il n'a pas pensé à lui en ce moment. Mes condoléances à sa famille.

From: Howard
Date: 09/12/2006
Message: May your soul always stay in heaven for ever.. And may god bless your soul!

From: Cristi B
Date: 09/12/2006
Message: God bless you all A friend from Romania

From: Simone, London, England
Date: 09/13/2006
Message: May God guide and keep your loved ones safe - always.

From: Anne Laure (FRANCE)
Date: 09/13/2006
Message: Mes mots ne pourront jamais etre aussi clairs que ce que je ressent actuellement ... A vos mémoires ...

From: Anne Laure (FRANCE)
Date: 09/13/2006
Message: Mes mots ne pourront jamais etre aussi clairs que ce que je ressent actuellement ... A vos mémoires ...

From: Paul Kato - London
Date: 09/13/2006
Message: Jonathan, You and all the 9/11 victims are heroes, destroyed by cowards. You'll always be remembered and Terrorists will NEVER win. May all your souls rest in eternal peace.

From: Anne Laure (FRANCE)
Date: 09/13/2006
Message: N'oublions pas non plus les passagers des avions meurtriers ...

From: Colin Dunlop, Scotland
Date: 09/13/2006
Message: To the family of Jonathan Briley. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. I only hope that those responsible for his and so many others deaths are soon brought to justice. The events of that day can never be forgotton and never be allowed to be repeated. Take care of each other and honour his memory. Colin

From: Sheila Heslin (UK)
Date: 09/14/2006
Message: I watched the falling man on channel for and was so touched by the courage Jonathan had to take the leap he did I pray for his family and friends and I pray that he rests in peace and may God be with all of his loved ones always and may those responsible be caught and may justice be served God bless you all and Jonathan Ill never forget you or that image God bless xxxxxxxxx

From: Jessica Hannon
Date: 09/14/2006
Message: What a brave man you were Jonathan, may you rest in peace with all the other angels in heaven.....

From: Tamar Briley
Date: 11/12/2006
Message: I am leaving a message because my son's name is Jonathan Briley. We were living in San Diego, CA when the attack took place and my son was a not quit 13. THere is an eery connection between us because of the name. May God smile upon you. We shall never forget.

From: Jonathan Hartman
Date: 12/05/2006
Message: My name is Jonathan as well, I am 18 years old and a student at Georgia Southern University. First and Formost, I would like to say how sorry I am to the Briley family and their friends. This was a very terrible and tragic loss for you all. I can't imagine what was going through his mind in his last few minutes. There is one good thing, I can say, that happened from this terrible event; and that is the fact that Jonathan Briley is in heaven now. I will forever keep the Briley family in my prayers. May he rest in peace. God Bless.

From: Madden
Date: 01/08/2007
Message: God caught you in his hands and lifted you up to heaven.

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