
Vincent F. DiFazio

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Vincent F. DiFazio , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Gina
Date: 10/15/2004
Message: Dad its been awhile since i've written in one of these. I miss you alot. I hope your watching over me every day! I LOVE you with all my heart Your peanut, Gina

From: Eileen
Date: 11/29/2004
Message: I don't know Mr.DiFazio but I have a memorial bracelet of him and he's been everywhere with me. My first *grown-up* dinner, my first pro football game, and everything else in between. I live in NM and just wanted to say that my prayers are with his family.

From: \"Little\" Vinny DiFazio
Date: 12/07/2004
Message: Whats up Unc, just thinking about you. I'm at Uconn now and lovin it, and I wouldn't be here if I didn't know you. Joe and I got you, dad, his and my initials in a cross on my arm and his back tattooed. It says Non mai dimenticato, and we mean it, you are Never Forgotten... Keep Watchin over us, I love you...Little Vin

From: Court
Date: 01/14/2005
Message: Hey vin- its court. just wanted to say that i love you soooo much and will always remember you. I miss you SOO much. you were like another father to me and I'm so proud of what G, dana and joe have done with their lives. i know that you are watching over all of us. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH UNCLE VINNY ~court

From: Dana
Date: 01/14/2005
Message: Dad,i have been thinking about u alot lately. Julia wants to say sorry about the Itatlin Ice on your new car**haha shes a funny one. well i just want to say u r always in my prayers and i love you with ALL my heart<3

From: Gina
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: I was just writing to say that i miss u so much although its like 2005 now every day is hard without ur warm hugs and smiles! I miss you more than anything and i will ALWAYS love you more than anything. Love you daughter Gina Marie

Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Mr D- i didnt know u that well, but i just wanted to let you know how much you are missed here. Gina is one of my best friends and she misses and loves you very much! You will never EVER be forgotten by anyone <3

From: Mary-Kate
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Dear Mr Dafazio WEll your kids really do miss you and they really are awesome. Gina is such a good friend of mine and is always laughing. We all miss you very much :-)

From: Chels
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: umm i forgot to sign my name on one...so the one with out a name is from me -->chels

From: Kayla
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: MR. D. I didn't know you very well but i have herd many things about you. I hope you are watching over your family every day. We all miss you(and of course you wil never be forgotten!). ~Kayla

From: Kara
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Vinny!! we all miss you! you'll never be forgotten and you are always in your hearts! i know your looking down on gina one of my greatest friends and the family! x0x0x. Kara

From: TJ Cannan
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Dear Mr. D I didnt Know you very well but,my prayershave and will always be with you. Gina has told me many funny stories about you and i wish i had met you in person.

From: Imroz
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Mr. DiFazio - I never met you, but everyone says you were very cool. Gina is an awesome person, prolly cuz you tought her to be. Everyone misses you alot and we all think of you all the time. I know youre still watching over your family and good luck in heaven :-)

From: Grace
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Mr D a lot of people are saying that they didn't know you very well and i wish i didn't have to say the same thing but i do and i regret it. i regret not getting to know you very well and i really wish i could have. my prayers are with you and your family everyday and your daughters are some of the coolest people i know(i don't know joe really) and Gina you're just so awsome ily girl and we shall rule the bunny hill forever<3

From: Joe
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: I didnt really know you that well but im sure you were a great guy rest in peace

From: Ryan G.
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Mr. DiFazio, you should be proud of your daughter for all she has done. She has her moments but makes us all laugh, and is awesome to be with.Wish i could have met you and hope that someday we will catch the rat basterd terrorists who took you from your loved ones.

From: Michael
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: he is in my prayers

From: Sarah
Date: 02/03/2005
Message: Mr. D- I never got to meet you and i really wish i did....i hear your a great person and you have a wonderful family....Gina is one of the best friends i could ask for...rest in peace<3

From: Tammer G
Date: 02/07/2005
Message: Hey there big guy, you have been in my prayers and always on my mind, i know your watching over your kids, they are growing up well! Dont worry, ill keep gina in line

From: Gina Marie*
Date: 02/07/2005
Message: I just wanted to thank you all for writing in here..everytime i read it it reminds me of how great my friends are... no matter what i know i have all of you. I really love you all thanks alot guys!!!!!!!!! Dont be afraid to write more than once either Thanks again guys oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!! I LOVE YOU GIRL!!

From: Your Little Pumpkin Pie >aka DANA
Date: 02/07/2005
Message: Dad, I miss you sooooo much. I just wish you were here to watch me grow up each and everyday. Mom, Joey ,and Gina are fine. They all miss u too<3 Well keep watching over me i love you with all my heart<3

From: Leah
Date: 02/07/2005
Message: vinni, im never gonna forget u. My brother always talkes about how fun u were. no 1 could EVER forget u. U were an awsome person a ur daughter dana is the coolest person ever. rest in peace Leah

From: Dana
Date: 02/07/2005
Message: Dad I wish u were here to see how many people love you and miss you! well i love u and remember i will always be your little pumpkin pie

From: Linnea
Date: 02/08/2005
Message: Mr. D- i didn't really know you that well, but i did know you as a neighbor and a a uts rec coach. I just want to say everybody misses you and remembers you a such a good guy. Rest In Peace <3

From: Kelly
Date: 02/08/2005
Message: mr. D I have never really met u but i remeber the first day of soccer and it was my first year in uts you helped me and my mom to find my team! I have herd so many funny stories! you should be very proud of your family! you shall always be in my prays!you have an amazing family that have fought throught it! love Kelly Cannan

From: Kelly
Date: 02/08/2005
Message: mr. D I have never really met u but i remeber the first day of soccer and it was my first year in uts you helped me and my mom to find my team! I have herd so many funny stories! you should be very proud of your family! you shall always be in my prays!you have an amazing family that have fought throught it! love Kelly Cannan

From: Little Bobby
Date: 02/09/2005
Message: Dear Uncle Vinny I miss u so much! Ecspeacially my dad. Guess what I made the majors in little league baseball and im only a 11.Only if u were here u could see hom much gina joey and dana have grown up. Joey is going to college next year and ginas going to highschool.Dana is going to 7th grade too.and my dad, in his office he has at least 10 pictures of u there and he always remembers u in everything baseball,basketball and in vinny and joey.i miss u alot and will never forget u uncle vinny

From: Gina Marie*
Date: 02/10/2005
Message: Dad~ i really miss you alot and by the looks of it so do alot of other people. Just recently it has gotten really hard without..i mean its always hard but recently its been especially hard, i know your always watching over me Joey Dana and Mom. Thanks Dad PS I always thought that id see you just one more time again..... Cowboy song* ^ill always remember this Dad I love you more then spaghetti ;) With all my heart GinaMarie*

From: Callie
Date: 02/10/2005
Message: Mr D- I remember all the good times you, gina, and me had together like playing sports in your backyard...eating your Jalapeno peppers in your garden, and haveing that dad night at your house for girl scouts.. we all really do miss you and your with us every where we are...

From: Court*
Date: 02/13/2005
Message: vin- wow, its awesome how many people have written in here. i love you so much. it was so hard losing such a great uncle, father, son etc. i wish you were here to see gina dana and joe get older. they are such good kids. as they get older, i see more and more of you in each of them. we all love you so much vin, we miss you soooo muchh! <3 much love<3 courtney rose

From: Sarah C
Date: 02/13/2005
Message: Mr D- I didnt really know you that much, but I remember when I would come over to your house to play with Dana in 1st and 2nd grade. You would always greet me as I came through the door. We will all remember you forever.-Sarah C

From: Jenna
Date: 02/13/2005
Message: Uncle Vinny, I just wanted to say that i miss u and i remember like it was yesterday that u called my mom in long Island and u were at my uncle bobbys house you said taht you were going to come to my houes in the middle of the night and sacer us. You said to my uncle bobby that you were not going to go to work the next day. But you loved your job so you went. Gina, Dana,Joey,and Aunt pattie are fine. Me and Dana are really good cuz and Best friends. We all miss you alot. I love you.

From: Kate Busch
Date: 02/16/2005
Message: Mr. Difazio, I hope Heaven works the way i think it does, cuz then you can see what i am writing. You were the funniest man i have ever known. Every time I saw you, you would say the sweetest things to me. I have so many memories with you and Joey, and you were the one in his life who ment the most. I think you two are so much alike...which is AWESOME because I love Joey and you know I always will. I am sorry you can't be here with everyone in person, but you are here every day in spirit, i know that. I know Gina Dana Joey miss their dad so much...but they are lucky they have such a wonderful angel watching over them. I love you I miss you I will never forget the great times I shared with you and the meaningful conversations we had. You were the only person who called me Katie, how could i forget that! haha, much loveeee <3Katie Busch Joey-hang in there bud, you are so strong. We will have a special love that will last forever, so you know i am always there for you. I love you. Gina- i have known you since you were little, and you are grown up now and such a wonderful girl! Dana- i remember when you were born...I know you will grow up just like the great people in your family! Mrs. Difazio...you are the kindest lady in the world, expecially having gone through such horrible times. You created such awesome children, especially Joey...I will always love him and i miss him alot!!! So thank you for him. Stay strong.

From: Ali Jones <3
Date: 02/17/2005
Message: Mr. Difazio- I know that you were a great person and i wish i could have known you better. I am mad at those terrorists for taking your life. Gina is a great and funny person and i know that you are watching over her. I keep you and your family in my prayers. <3 Ali

From: Gina
Date: 08/28/2005
Message: dad.. I'm missing you right now.. I started crying before for no reason and then i couldn't hear you voice in my head and it was tearing me apart. When that happens to me i really have to dig deep inside myself and remember every moment i had with you. It comforts me in a way to know that your here not for me to see or touch but to have in my thoughts. Well, the anniversery is coming up and there's not a day that i don't think about how i'm going te be on that day. Some days i think its just going to be another day. But then some other days i feel like i may not be able to even get up. Then, i think... what would u do? And it seems like the only thing to do is get up and keep going. I love you soooo much... <3Gina Marie*

Date: 10/12/2005

From: Robbie Hunt
Date: 11/27/2005
Message: Mr.D, I just wanted to say that I still think about you and pray for you. I know your in heaven looking down on everyone. So many great memories with you I could fill pages with them. You will never be forgotten, its nearly impossible for anyone to forget such a great person like you. You were so good to me on and off the baseball field. I really looked up to you because of your attitude and the way you pushed us to succeed. Your sense of humor always had me laughing.Miss ya Mr. D...Never forget

From: Gina
Date: 01/26/2006
Message: Dad.. i miss you.

From: Angie
Date: 03/29/2006
Message: Missin you today and everyday... love you uncle vin

From: Dana DiFazio
Date: 06/27/2006
Message: DAD, i miss you more and more each day. I wish you were hear to see me, gina , joey and mom. We are all doing great. Joey finished his first year of colleage and gina finished her firstyear of highschool and i finished seventh grade. I started horseback riding 2 years ago and just last week i got a horse. He is soo cool i wish you were hear to see him, but i know you are having a great time in heavon looking down on all of us. I love you soo much and miss u soo much. LOVE -DANA aka pumpkin pie

From: Gina
Date: 08/08/2006
Message: Dad.. i need you.

From: Ike Caulfeld
Date: 08/27/2006
Message: Mr. D not a day goes by that I don't think about how hard you used to make my father and I laugh. I can close my eyes and remember all the funny jokes you used to tell. You are in heaven with my grandfather right now looking down with the biggest smile on your face seeing how well everyone is doing. I miss you more than anything and I know we will meet again. God Bless you!

From: Cath W.
Date: 09/07/2006
Message: Vinny you should be so proud of Pattie the lady she is and how strong she has been for all around her! (more then she will ever know) Your kids are wonderful, kind and outgoing- with wonderful smiles! You and Pattie did a great job! you are missed. The trees you planted always remind me of you on the lawn tractor - always smiling! you are missed by so many.

From: Ashley Scott
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Mr.Difzio- your still the best coach i ever had. im going to school, and playing ball still, using skills that you taught me. ill never forget you.

From: Noelle Pellegrino
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: God Bless you Mr. Difazio. I was thinking about you and your family today. I know how much the Caulfields loved you and how much you meant to my little cousin Ike.! God Bless you

From: Phil Harding
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Vinny D, Thanks for being a part of my life, I miss sitting with you at the desk and you making everybody laugh. God bless you and your family.

From: Tommy And Robin
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Vin We miss you so very much. Patti has been amazing through so much sorrow. We will NEVER forget you. We love you and will miss you forever

From: Edmund Toomey
Date: 09/30/2006
Message: Sorry Of your death R.I.P.

From: Edmund Toomey
Date: 12/09/2006
Message: You could be relayted to me. But please R.I.P..

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