
Michael J. Cunningham

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Michael J. Cunningham , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

22 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Kieralee
Date: 09/17/2002
Message: so many names, i just have no idea what to say. god bless you all and god bless america

From: Douglas Cunningham
Date: 09/26/2002
Message: my last name is cunningham too, wierd huh

From: Mrs. Michael J. Cunningham
Date: 04/22/2004
Message: My heart goes out to you as I read this. I too lost my Michael to a violently horrible and senseless accident. I didn't know that someone of his name also perished on 9/11. On that day Mike and I were in a hotel in New Mexico, having stayed there on our way home from a long vacation. He was devastated to learn of the attacks. Our ride home to Ohio was spent in silence with news radio, reflecting on just how much we had. I would never have dreamed that two years later I would be buring him. God Bless you. I truly hope time has healed some of your wounds. And I hope that in time mine will diminish as well. I will never forget my precious Michael. And from now on when I think of him I will think of your family as well. Sincerely and with love and prayers. Jean Cunningham

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy