
Jim Cleere

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Jim Cleere , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

22 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Swsrfhk;l\"\';;;lkyrreawatuuytu
Date: 05/08/2005
Message: gvhgkj;lgdfasdk;;khkhgqq

From: Swsrfhk;l\"\';;;lkyrreawatuuytu
Date: 05/08/2005
Message: gvhgkj;lgdfasdk;;khkhgqq

From: Jonathan
Date: 05/24/2005
Message: Our teacher assigned us a project to research someone who died in the WTC tower attacks. Mr. Cleere's name came up and I was drawn in by his life. He was a great man and Christian and I will look forward to meeting him in heaven. God bless.

From: Kels
Date: 11/10/2005
Message: Jim Cleere was my cousin's grandpa. He was always there. Jim was an awesome man and believed in God. I never really realize how much I miss him except for nine eleven. I love you and I can't wait to see you in heaven. You know me Jim. God bless you. Kels

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy