
Lt. William E. McGinn

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Lt. William E. McGinn , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Bill
Date: 05/11/2005
Message: one of our own

From: Lt. Tom Kenney - Providence Fire Dept
Date: 09/18/2005
Message: Lt. Bill: I proudly wear a copper bracelet with your name to remind me of your courage and sacrifice. You and your FDNY brothers did us all proud.

From: Tom Kenney
Date: 09/18/2005
Message: Ten Seconds With God Ten seconds is a very long time When that’s all you have to live Time enough to make your peace But not enough to give… To give your honey one more kiss To squeeze her oh so tight To give your kids assurance that Everything will be all right From the moment I began this job I’ve prepared for this day So now, as He calls me home It seems I know the way Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom Like a freight train bearing down I instantly knew how this would end And I felt His peace surround… Surround my body, and my soul Surround my brothers in arms I felt His love, like a giant cloak Sheltering us from harm While answering the call that day I saw the second plane It glided through the cloudless sky Then burst into fiery rain It rained down fire, rained down dust It rained down bodies, too It seemed no matter how we tried There was nothing we could do We knew that people trapped above The hole that ripped the tower Could never escape, with their lives Without His awesome power I prayed that day, a silent prayer As I stepped inside the lobby I knew that without His help We’d only recover bodies We started up the narrow stairs While others were heading out As we passed the scared civilians Some began to shout… “God bless you, our brave firemen. You’re heroes to us all.” But we were merely doing our jobs Answering the call We knew when we began the fight We all would not survive But by risking our lives for others We keep the dream alive… The dream that good will conquer all And God will help us through Reward us with eternal life As we begin anew I saw the face of God that day As He led me to this place His will, not ours, will be done Accept this fact with grace I understood, at once, that day What we were sent here for Watch over each other as best we can For who could ask for more Ten seconds is a very long time…

From: JMB
Date: 09/10/2006
Message: It seems like yesterday when my childhood friend was lost forever, gone for good. IT is hard to believe 5 years have passed. Remember when we used to pick blackberries in the field? Life was good back then, so simple and spontaneous. A part of my childhood died when you were so suddenly taken from us. Rest in Peace Billy, you are always in our hearts.

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy