
Brady K. Howell

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Brady K. Howell , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

22 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Branden Russell
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I will never forget you Brady. You were a great friend to me and my brother and I am so proud to have had the privelidge to call you my friend. I remember how one day during our junior year in high school, you begged me to go with you to the junior government convention at south fremont. We had so much fun that day and also helped to set some new policies for our schools. You were always trying to make things better. Man, you spent so much time at Madison that people that didnt know you thought you were a student there. I had a bad feeling on 9/11 that i knew someone that was involved in the tragedy. I was saddened wehn I learned that it was Brady. Tears came to my eyes know that he would not get to see his wife again and be the father that he always dreamed of being. I prayed for his family and friends that would have to mourn for such a choice soul. I love you and will never forget you.

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy