
Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan Jr.

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan Jr., who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Major Hogan Jr.
Date: 04/30/2006
Message: You Are REMEMBERED!!

From: Qlcy7ry@hotmail.com
Date: 07/17/2006
Message: funny ringtones

From: David Coffey
Date: 11/30/2006
Message: I consider Cole to have been my best friend. He may not have considered me that way because he had so, so many close friends. He was just that way. I met Cole in 1990 when we were both in 20th Special Force Group and activated for Desert Storm at Fort Bragg, NC. We came onto active duty together in 1993, went through language training together and then both went to 1st Special Forces Group together. We deployed togther and trained together. He was single at the time but he often came to my house to hang out with me and my wife and three kids. He chose camping and boating with us over partying. He was just that way. We seperated when he went to Panama and I went to CA, but of course we stayed in touch. I could be at home or in a hotel in a foreign country and I was never surprised to pick up the phone any time of day or night and hear Cole at the other end. He kept a book in his pocket at all times with the contact information for every friend he had, some dating back to high school. Once a month or so he would pull it out and call them all just to stay in touch. If he didn't get me at home he would call my parents or my wife, or my unit, find out where I was and get the number somehow. He was just that way. I didn't make it to his wedding because I was in graduate school and he was a nine hour drive away and the kids were in school as was my wife, and he made it too easy for me to excuse myself. I will always regret not going. I did go visit him a few months later after I graduated and before I left for an overseas assignment. I will always be grateful I made the effort and cherish those final photos. I was overseas with my two oldest kids, my wife was still in SC with our two youngest kids and pregnant with our fifth on 9/11. The attack was unbelievable, but no loss suffered that day was greater than the loss of Cole. Our daughter Colette was born a few months later. Cole is the one person I know who I would readily entrust to lead my own sons in combat. He was just that way. Pat, God bless you.

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
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