
Stephen G. Hoffman

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Stephen G. Hoffman , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Greg Hoffman
Date: 05/12/2005
Message: Moses, It's been over 3 1/2 years and in still fells like a bad dream. You were in my dream last night. For a moment I thought I saved you from the collapsing towers, then I woke up. Rest in peace and know that you are never far from thoughts. We're all hanging in there. See you in my dreams. In Twinship Greg

From: Helen Hoffman
Date: 06/28/2005
Message: Stephen, You would be so proud if you could see how well Gabrielle is bringing up your little pumpkin, Madeline. I almost had Maddy talked into going on a bungey jump ride at the amusement park. Well - we did get to ski down from the top of Mt.Snow...You should have seen her ...her braids flying in the wind- fearless ---like you. It's going to be four years since we lost you and not a day goes by that I don't think about you ----every time I hear U2--I get that much closer. You dance in head and in my heart. Love, Helly

From: Vincent Lindner Jr.
Date: 09/12/2005
Message: More then a coach Steve was a father figure to me and still to this day I hear his voice in certain situations that I come across in life. He was an angel on my shoulder during the bad and good times but more importantly he is still with me. There hasent been once day since 9/11/01 that I havent thought about him. And people say you will never remember your coaches when you were a kid, guess I proved a lot of people wrong. Greg all I gotta say is your just as strong as Steve was to be brave and talk about him to this day and show such strenght with out breaking down. There hasent been one day that I havent used one of his quotes or lines that he always told us in his practice and game day speaches. "live everyday like its your last because you never know when its going to be your last" the one quote my kids in the future will know and live by. the Lindner family misses you buddy!

From: Caitlin Hoffman
Date: 10/12/2005
Message: uncle stephen was a great guy...even though i didnt get to know him very well i always remember a smlie on his face<3

From: Angelique Stacey
Date: 08/04/2006
Message: Stephen I saw your little girl at Danielle's sweet 16 last year. She is soo beautiful (looks just like you) and she was so well mannered and lovely. I could only think what a wonderful father you were to her and how much I wished for her you could be there to dance with her. I know you were there in spirit dancing right next to her. You will always be missed by many many people.

From: Jeff Engel
Date: 08/12/2006
Message: I remember you from Buffalo....I bumped into In Oceanside, LI years later. After the 9-11 tragedy, I think of you often. Believing you are in a better place... Jeff Engel

From: Dan, Kris, Evan And Kurt Schlehr
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I vivdly remember the last time we saw Steve. He and his family and Greg and his stopped by our home, they were returning from a vacation in Maine. As always it was a visit filled with laughter and as always the visit was all to brief. We think of you always and remember you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Love, The Schlehrs'

From: Kevin McElligott
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: My dear friend, we grew up as close as brothers, you, Greg and I. Not a week passes by that I dont look back fondly on our Friday Night Jam sessions in my basement. Christmas Eve at my house, you and Greg stopping in and spending Dad's birthday with us. You guys were and still are a part of The McElligott Family. You will forever be Loved, Remembered and Missed by us all. Love to the Entire Hoffman Family. Rest Peacefully my friend.

From: Gabrielle L. Hoffman
Date: 10/08/2006
Message: It's been 5 long lonely years and I miss you more than ever. Our daughter has grown into a beautiful young girl and I know you would be so very proud of how I'm raising her, STRONG, CONFIDENT, KIND-HEARTED and TRUE. I miss us, I miss you, I miss us together with our friends as a family. I promise I'm trying to be happy. Please keep us safe and enjoy your new journey, I know G-d picked you to do some very special work. You gave me your heart you offered me your soul, and you told me you couldn't wait to shoot the stars with me. I can't wait till we run the heavens together hand in hand, reunited in love. Till then..... Always, Gabrielle

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy