
Andrea Lyn Haberman

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Andrea Lyn Haberman , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

23 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

Date: 05/20/2004
Message: WE LOVE YOU

From: Gertie Haese
Date: 09/09/2005
Message: Andrea, I am walking in the Freedom Walk tomorrow in your memory. I think of you often and even a lot more this time of year. Such a senseless tragedy. Love and Prayers. Gertie

Date: 09/12/2005

Date: 09/11/2006
Message: Shortly after 9-11, I met a few friends out for the evening in which many people across the country planned candle lighting in memory of the people lost in the attacks. One of the people that spent the evening with us had worked as a trader in the towers, but had moved to Baltimore since. He brought many candles- each with a slip of paper containing the name of someone he had known and worked with in NY that was lost on that day. He asked if we would all use these candles for the lighting, and help him remember his past associates. The candle I was given had Andrea's name on the slip of paper. It felt strange to light a candle specifically for a person I had never known, however we all lit the candles outside the little pub we had chosen and observed a time of silence. It was a solemn and emotional experience that it made the events of 9-11 so much more real and personal for me. I kept that half burnt candle and the slip of paper, now preserved and glued to the bottom of the candle from the melted wax. When I arrived home that evening, I was compelled to search the internet for information on the victims of 9-11. To my surprise, the very first page I selected provided a picture of a beautiful young and vibrant woman- Andrea Haberman. I can not fully describe the emotional impact; it was as if I had just lost someone close to me. It is a feeling that has not left me since. On each anniversary since 9-11 I have lit that same candle in memory of someone I have never known. Today is the 5th anniversary- and tonight, with my family and maybe a few friends, I will light that candle again. I will wish for a reality in which this never happen and hope for a world in which it will never happen again. And, even though there is little that remains of my small candle, Andrea’s memory and my wishes for her family and friends will not diminish.

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy